Real Property Management Dade

5 Ways to Avoid Clutter in Your New Rental Home

Moving to a new house usually marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. And if you start that new chapter the right way, you are keeping that new home clean and free of clutter. Just like other people, clutter in your home seems to pile up so fast that, before you know it, decluttering your Homestead rental home is going to be quite the challenge. Thinking ahead, the wisest way to deal with the clutter is to keep it from piling up at the beginning. But that may be easier said than done!

To keep your new home clutter-free, you need a game plan that is easy to add to your daily routine. Let’s take a look into some things that might be just what you need to avoid clutter in your new home.

1. Identify Trouble Spots

A lot of the clutter found in homes would fall into just a few basic categories. The most usual problematic areas for clutter are things lying around that don’t seem to have a place, piled-up magazines or junk mail, or things you buy to learn a skill or create a project but then you never really end up using. However, once you identify where your clutter comes from, you can create a strategy to keep it from consuming you.

2. Just Say No

A top way to prevent clutter from accumulating is to never bring it home. This approach may need you to take a hard look at your purchasing habits and make a few changes. For example, do not take home free or promotional items you’re never going to use. The same thing applies to household items. If you already own something, don’t buy another.

Before purchasing something new, think first if it’s going to add to the clutter in your home. It is also a great idea to know how often you will make use of a specific item. If it still is worth having, how about you try to replace an item you already own. By doing this, you are simply avoiding adding more things you’ll need to keep.

3. Create a Charity Box

Another amazing idea to keep clutter out of your home is to have a box for things you plan to donate. Try to contemplate how long you’ve had certain items as well as how likely you’re going to use them again while you go through your things. If you haven’t used the item in over a year, it’s likely that you will not be needing it again. Instead of allowing it to sit and gather dust, think about donating it to charity.

4. Use the One-In, One-Out Rule

A nice strategy for items like clothes, books, and toys is the one-in, one-out rule. The idea is to replace stuff that you already have instead of adding it to your belongings. For example, when you buy new clothing, donate one that you’re probably not using as much. By doing this, you’re keeping the overall number of items in your house to a minimum.

5. Focus on Experiences, Not Things

Another usual difficult area for clutter involves gifts. The items we get as gifts can be difficult to part with for sentimental reasons. Instead of letting items with sentimental value pile up, try to give and ask for gifts that provide experiences rather than things. For example, try asking as well as giving movie tickets, food gift cards, or other items. Instead of clutter, you can have great memories of the times spent doing activities with your favorite people.

Keeping your home free of clutter can be hard, but using these strategies, your goal is achievable. However, if your current rental house is just too small to place all of your things, it may be time to move to a bigger one. If you are in the market for a new Homestead rental home, Real Property Management Dade has what you need! Check out our online listings for more information